Last Updated on Saturday, 09 April 2011 11:57
By Perly Viasmensky
Many are under the false impression that human traffickers shuttle women in and out of Asia to work in massage parlors, many of which are fronts for prostitution. Not all of those women, however, come from Asia; many are coming from our neighboring country of Canada, lured into their situation by recruiters offering false promises of a career as a model or a dancer.
Numerous girls are arrested in our city daily for solicitation and then thrown in the Clark County Detention Center until they can appear before a judge or get bailed out by their pimps. The traffickers remain unknown and untouched when, in reality, they are the ones who should be targeted by law enforcement.
Very seldom do we see human traffickers prosecuted in Las Vegas. Often, those criminals are unknown to police officers because the arrested alleged prostitute is afraid of the beating she will receive if she discloses the name of her pimp or the recruiter who brought her to Las Vegas under false pretenses. Other times, the naive girls still believe that their pimps are in love with them and refuse to compromise them in any way.
The girls are lured by pimps and other girls' recruiters into prostitution at hotels on and off the Las Vegas Strip, and they are bound to their unwanted and forced-upon-them lifestyle by threats and intimidation.
Although we cannot know the actual number, many girls have disappeared from Las Vegas over the years - sometime between night and morning - without a trace. Caught up in that unwanted life, those girls would rather prostitute themselves every night than receive a brutal beating they know they will get if they disobey their pimps and fail to bring in the amount of money expected. The pimps depend on controlling those young women through fear and coercion. And that control makes it easy for the trafficking to continue.
The problem in Nevada is not with the legal rural brothels where those ladies have chosen their way of life; many of them support their household and children with the profits from their profession. They have not been and are not being subjected to brutal beatings by owners of those brothels and they do not work there out of fear. Our problem is with human trafficking and the number of girls that are lured to Las Vegas by corrupt men and women.
The girls recruited by those morally-bankrupt individuals are not working in the world's oldest profession by choice; they are victims of criminals reaping often huge profits at the expense of those young, innocent girls, and that is the reason we want to expose some of those people by publishing their pictures and letting the citizens of Las Vegas be aware of who they are.
Richard Barrington Walcott
Before Vice officers arrest a supposed prostitute, they ought to follow her to where the pimp will be waiting to receive his profits from his “ATM machine,” who just happens to be the girl he sent to prostitute herself for his personal benefit.
It is time for Metro officers and Immigration authorities to start investigating all those men coming from Canada with young girls on tour; and more than ever, it's time for the American Embassy in Canada to check on all those coming across.
Donald Vaz.
Take a look at the pictures of those we mentioned in this article. Based on the information we have, all of them should be deported from the United States immediately. And if any one of them is an American citizen, he or she should be jailed for life for the crime of human trafficking.
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