PURPLE♡HEARTS 4 BUTTERFLIES✞ We are a Women's Faith-Based, on-Line Support Group for Women Survivors of Domestic, Sexual and Child Abuses-For ALL women of faith- Together, we form a Beautiful Mosaic of various colors, Like the Butterfly- and together with God's strength in our weaknesses, we can and WILL- Fly Freely! Fly Free with God, Free to be who you really are... Free like the Beautiful Mosaic Butterfly!
Purple♡Hearts 4 Butterflies
Monday, June 20, 2022
Ride Sharing Sexual Assault from Cutter Law Center
Friday, February 19, 2021
Hello Ladies,
Yes it’s been a long time! So much has been going on in my life as in everyone’s life. The this Covid19 appears out of nowhere, well I believe Wuhan China. And now these dark masks! Which I can’t wear , I nearly fainted 2 times at two different times at the grocery store. The people who worked there came to help me the second time.
Well, I’ve made a lot of life changes, moved, then moved to another State! At first I felt like I was on a 6 most vacation living on the coast in the northwest! Then life kicked back in. But I truly thank my Lord GOD in Heaven for that much needed rest and PEACE.
With so much talk on the independent Real News you can find like on Rumble, Telegram or Bitchute (used to be on YouTube but they started kicking them off) so now we so to these other sites. Oh and USA.life that’s a Christian twitter/Facebook type, so much reporting on thousands of children were being found under the Trump administration, (the Biden administration has put a stop to it evidently since they opened up the borders again and it’s said they are coming in at the rate of 3500 a day! So sex trafficking will increase not decrease as it was) finding them in hundreds and hundreds of underground tunnels nearly dead, partially eaten even, very sexually abused from aged just tiny little things used to torture to extract their blood, to 4 year olds up to 10/12 year olds. I’ve seen infrared type filming where it’s pitch black so it’s able to film in the darkness, and the darkness is so thick it feels heavy. Just a taste of what hell will be like. And these poor children make me so upset, disgusted, I pray oh GOD get those horrible people who are literally insane ruled by satan and his cohorts! Then I’m hearing more and more women and minister wife’s, Praise GOD hallelujah, open up and share the stories aloud in front of church audiences or conferences and writing books. It’s makes me so very happy for them. In my shoes I cannot.
So with this subject getting out more and more, and hopefully women are getting a good mentor and counselor a Christian one it possible, like GOD brought me. But I’m finding things now from my childhood that I completely forgot has all of a sudden rose up to my face. I’ve had a couple met downs which I haven’t had in ages! So I need to rework through more stuff here and there by giving it to God (after the breakdown- for the crying and crying is so exhausting that I feel like I worked out at the gym for bouillon) so people may look at them as a step back but it’s ok, a cleansing happens for me. I said to Jesus you cried so hard You sweated out blood! Well I sweated and was exhausted and my face was really red and puffed out so His crying was so extreme I can’t imagine how I could have cried any harder than I did! The whole next day I was like a collapsed body! I did nothing but rested. But you know I felt delivered so to speak from that time in my life. The next day I was so much better. So I think GOD can use our meltdowns if we give them to Him.
So having shared all this, I feel I’m not to keep up with this blog. Although, after writing this I feel good. So let’s keep it up as a safe place to go to have a writing moment. Share what’s going on and what it’s triggering and how your feeling, basically what I did. Then have a moment with GOD seeing how He would like your situation to be instead , take a deep breath and say ok then LORD Jesus you take this. And I’ll take what you would rather see my life being instead. And move on.
Maybe this will help. It’s not like people are coming on here for any other reason but for the reasons we all have in common so reading your moment might be just what they needed to read.
So here we go- let’s give it a go! GOD bless you all! And remember Jesus is coming up in the clouds for us soon. We are so close. The signs are all around us!
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Some People Just Don't Get It
I remember thinking like this myself. Coming from a marriage that was active in the ministry, there wasn’t anyone I could even tell what was happening behind the closed doors. How do you call the police on a so-called “minister”? I didn’t want to give the “church” a “bad name”. Plus it would be so humiliating and embarrassing. I could just hear the people say "it’s my fault". I’m “making him mad”, "I’m not submitting as a Christian wife should be”. As it was, those were “his” words to me, I didn't need to hear them again from others, especially women in the church who don't get it. Who are in denial themselves. Blind.
He, (my abuser/husband) said to me one time, “you are the ONLY one in the world who gets me to get mad”. So it was all me.
I remember my mother saying those words too. In fact I still hear those words. It’s like I “married” the man version of my mother. Oh the stories I could tell!! And one day I will, somehow in a book.
I’ve “talked” about my childhood many times, but in doing so, it always gave me more and more resentments, anger and bitterness”. But I’ve wished I could really learn forgiveness. Meaning, when I talk about it there’s no anger with it”. I have recently been entering that realm! I have empathy and compassion now regarding my childhood. But how to work that toward’s my once married life and to those others- men and women who abused me sexually and verbally? The pain can still be very much there. I know God wants me to be completely honest and quit saying lightly “oh that’s over and done with. I forgve them”. No, in the depths of my heart and soul I haven’t. When I go to that place I feel hatred, anger, evil anger, and spitefullness. Although I’ve said Ii forgive” but that was just the starting work towards forgiveness. I havent continued in the healing process. So I too walk the road of denial- IF I am being completely honest with MYSELF and God and you. How can I love and really help others WELL if those feelings which bring on negative behaviors are there? The bible says we really can’t.
I’ve learned the pass 6 years since looking into the violence I grew up with, sexual abuses, rapes, boyfriends “taking me” when I clearly tell them I want to “wait”, or “not ready”, even when I would “finally give in” just because I was tired of the constant pushing me or talking about it, just for it to be so violently rough? To the point I’m screaming in pain, saying no more, but of course they don’t listen to my voice, (My whole life people didn’t “listen” to my words) to the point I nearly died! It was so rough it ripped through my stomach lining!- the doctor told me after I barely made it to the hospital. The times I would tell my minister husband that I wasn’t feeling like I am “me” anymore, but more like a “slave” instead of a person with liberty in Christ. A woman of God. Who was I anyways? On the outside people saw us as that pretty, good -looking Christian couple and “good” family, but once in the car, or in the house, the ugly person emerged. He would say my “body is his body and I have no say in denying him or else it’s my fault if he goes to find it elsewhere”
As a child I remember crying and praying, why God, why am I here on this earth? What is the point or reason for me to be here? To just be a breathing punching bag? Just a body to hurt?
Then I marry a man who became a minister and he turned out to be basically the same way, only now it’s sexual abuse on top of the verbal, physical and emotional!
Today, I am a much stronger woman inside. I have self esteem today. I believe in myself now and that is because I believe, only due to me trusting in God my true loving Father, to guide me to the right, healthy-minded and Christ-minded and spiritually- minded counselors/women survivors, and who understand the “after affects” (PTSD) of living in abusive and traumatic homes, families, schools and friends, the affects to our minds, emotions & behaviors. There’s not a whole lot out there that I’ve found anyway. But I just kept/keep praying and trusting God to lead me.
It hasn’t been easy by far! I thank God so much that He guided me to the 12 Steps as well. They really opened my eyes to really know God, understand His Bible and how to apply it to my life- just one day at a time; just for today- only! I do my best everyday to follow the concepts and traditions suggested within the 12 Step community ( which is all in Gods word, just made so simple and slowly learning I can do them) and the Bible believing/Faith in my Lord Jesus community/fellowship.
Everyday I’m receiving healing in some area of my life! There’s a saying I read “what you love is what leads you”. So if I love to hang out with the wrong people for me, that is what leads me. But if I choose to hang out with like-minded, God loving people that will lead me. I didn’t say “they” but “that”, that lifestyle.
I also KNOW that being alone, without any distractions (men) for quite a few years has made a huge difference!
I guess I’m “catching up” on things I could of learned probably in my older teens to 20’s if I relied on God fully and stayed away from ALL those many distractions I turned to instead.(of God)
Recently, I have been blessed to actually meet a large Christian family that I am around daily, who are REALLY walking the talk. They actually follow Gods word and lifestyle. From the 91 year old grandfather/father to the great grandchildren! I really never thought there actually were people like this in the modern world I live in -Welcoming, accepting, non-judgemental, caring, non-yelling, non-cussing, non-drinking, non-smoking, non-arguing, truly loving family; sort of similar to the “Waltons” only up to date, current with today. There is a pleasant peace I never have felt. There’s not jealousies, no “I made it better than you”, no ” I have a house or better house/car than you”, not “I’m skinnier or prettier than you”. Just humble working Christian people!
I have prayed and dreamed for this for years.
I always would feel like I’m so different compared to other! I would feel like “I don’t fit in anywhere”- for real I didn’t. But here with them, I fit!
God is showing me that there really are people out there that LIVE Godly, good, humble, clean, non-judgmental, truly caring and loving, respecting one another people, (their family members to each other), and never have done the things that can harm the body or mind. The respect each member gives to to mother and father! (in 90’s) and the next generation down to the next generation- it’s very amazing to me. I just have not ever seen this. Or it was phoney. This shows me people CAN live well, and happy with their families without verbal, emotional, physical and spiritual abuse!
By God allowing me to be lead to this family to observe it is little by little helping me to start to trust “Christians”. Which I haven’t fully since my minister ex-husband abandoned me and our children, as well as his family abandoning us also. I’ve never given up on God. Just been “leary” “cautious”(probably overly cautious) of people who say they are Christians or “spiritual”. Gosh I have to say MEN in general too! (but there was a year or so there I just “didn’t care about who I was with - Looking back now I see this, I didn’t then)
Now, lately, I actually feel like I actually matter in this world. I’m not “just a body” to hurt in every which way. I have skills, talents, abilities, and I was created to find this out! To LOVE God, and accept His only Son, Jesus into my heart and life, and too really rely on Him for my every need. Turn my “will” over to Him.
I’m like a free and beautiful “giving” Butterfly who has not worry for his life. He just is. And while he’s on this earth, he “gives” out joy and love to people. That is our purpose in life. To Give out God’s joy, love and beauty to all, and to simply love and trust in Him.
He can and will help you, mold you into the better people you want to be and can be, the better person I want to be. God loves us and only wants what’s best for us, and we get that by trusting in Him, and by us picking up our feet and follow Him. Love Him. Let “what we love lead us”. Let that love be the one true source of love- God the creator of us!
To add on from today-Aug 17,2014
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Hello friends
Unfortunately, due to illnesses and moving, I have completely neglected it. One thing I noticed
though, is while I was dutifully active on here, I was a wreck inside without being aware of it.
It's PTSD. For example, If a Veteran who has been in ugly, awful, horrible war, and he watches a film, or is volunteering to help counsel other suffering Vets, after awhile, it overwhelms them and
they are getting triggered left and right and sometimes without even being aware it is happening.
So it is with me. When I get so involved with helping people, or reading articles that saddens or anger me regarding various abuses, news reports on it, books etc...,
I have no peace of mind. I'm a constant woman of stress and anxiety. It was suggested I get
away from this issue and see how I do.
I have to say, I am a much more at peace woman. Way less anxiety!! Much more calmer and I can think things out better before making a decision. My choices are completely healthier and
I feel at peace. God of course is a big part of that for/with me. I had an OBE last year, and when I
feel ready, I want to share it!
So ladies, I won't be keeping up on this as I once did. I wish I had people helping me do this so it wouldn't rest only on me. I believe in what this blog originally was set out to do on a daily/weekly basics. I will of course, pray for anyone who shares a prayer request. That is so important! Praying for one another!
But at least there is much, good information on here for you all. From time to time I will post something inspiring to me that I hope will be the same for you.
God Bless you all,
Jesus is Love!
Donna :)
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
It's been awhile
It's been a very long while since I've been on here. My life went upside down for awhile. Full time caregiver for awhile, and then got so sick it landed me in the hospital in ICU wear I nearing passed on....
It was horrible. That was just 4 months ago. I lost so much weight and muscle. I'm now starting to feel better and wearing makeup again. I just started back to the gym and boy! I am weak! It's exhausting too! I love it but then it wears me out for a few days.
I hope to start writing my book/story soon. I'm nervous to do it but I know now that God wants me to. I just don't want to hurt anyone since I'm in fairly good terms with most my past people. Any suggestions?
I hope to start getting back going on this blog again. I like being active and involved in getting the word out to help people become aware and strong to see the abuse and turn to God constantly for comfort. If not for Him, I'd be dead! Really!!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Drugs- Liquid or dry:
Hello Ladies,
Just a reminder- this is a respectful blog to give strength, encouragement and information on the subject of Domestic Violence, Sexual Abuse, Adult Child of Child Abuse, Emotional Healing and other Abuses. I post sometimes interesting articles or stories from other websites and blogs or Newspapers as well.
Please keep all comments clean. No cussing or talking harshly against one another. There are many of us on here still learning what triggers us as well as healing. It's a process and we are all on different levels of this healing process journey.
Thank you.
God Bless you all.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Courageous-Casting Crowns with lyrics
Matthew West - Strong Enough
You must think I'm strong
To give me what I'm going through
Well, forgive me
Forgive me if I'm wrong
But this looks like more than I can do
On my own
I know I'm not strong enough to be
everything that I'm supposed to be
I give up
I'm not stong enough
Hands of mercy won't you cover me
Lord right now I'm asking you to be
Strong enough
Strong enough
For the both of us
Well, maybe
Maybe that's the point
To reach the point of giving up
Cause when I'm finally
Finally at rock bottom
Well, that's when I start looking up
And reaching out
I know I'm not strong enough to be
Everything that I'm supposed to be
I give up
I'm not stong enough
Hands of mercy won't you cover me
Lord right now I'm asking you to be
Strong enough
Strong enough
Cause I'm broken
Down to nothing
But I'm still holding on to the one thing
You are God
and you are strong
When I am weak
I can do all things
Through Christ who gives me strength
And I don't have to be
Strong enough
Strong enough
I can do all things
Through Christ who gives me strength
And I don't have to be
Strong enough
Strong enough
Oh, yeah
I know I'm not strong enough to be
Everything that I'm supposed to be
I give up
I'm not stong enough
Hands of mercy won't you cover me
Lord right now I'm asking you to be
Strong enough
Strong enough
Strong enough
The Healing Has Begun, Matthew West *lyrics!*
Thinking if there is a place called forgiveness you don't belong
Oh, but freedom can never be found behind those walls
So just let 'em fall, just let 'em fall
Oh, the healing has begun
Oh, the healing has begun
How long has been since you felt anything but shame
Child, lift up your eyes 'cause mercy remembers your name
And those tears you've been holding back, let 'em fall down like rain
'Cause today is the day, yeah today is the day
Oh, the healing has begun [x4]
Halellujah, halellujah
Just lift your eyes
Lay it down
What once was lost
Has now been found, oh
There's a world full of people dying from broken hearts
Holding on to the guilt, thinking they fell too far
So don't be afraid to show 'em your beautiful scars
'Cause they're the proof, yeah you're the proof
Oh, the healing has begun [x6]
Broken Girl by Matthew West
"Broken Girl"
It isn't fair
Your light was bright and new
But he didn't care
He took the heart of a little girl
And made it grow up too fast
Now words like "innocence"
Don't mean a thing
You hear the music play
But you can't sing
Those pictures in your mind
Keep you locked up inside your past
This is a song for the broken girl
The one pushed aside by the cold, cold world
You are
Hear me when I say
You're not the worthless they made you feel
There is a Love they can never steal away
And you don't have to stay the broken girl
Those damaged goods you see
In your reflection
Love sees them differently
Love sees perfection
A beautiful display
Of healing on the way tonight
This is a song for the broken girl
The one pushed aside by the cold, cold world
You are
Hear me when I say
You're not the worthless they made you feel
There is a Love they can never steal away
And you don't have to stay the broken girl
Let your tears touch to the ground
Lay your shattered pieces down
And be amazed by how Grace can take a broken girl
And put her back together again
This is a song for the broken girl
The one pushed aside by the cold, cold world
You are
Hear me when I say
You're not the worthless they made you feel
There is a Love they can never steal away
And you don't have to stay the broken girl
You don't have to stay the broken girl
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Believe you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. Move away from those who persistently do not do this.
Believe you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. Move away from those who persistently do not do this.see below-Oct 16th, 2011
"Believe you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. Move away from those who persistently do not do this. Seek support from those who will understand your inner-world, at online support groups for example, but also seek out those who are generally kind, positive and successful people. It's true that other people's positivity rubs off on us. And that we can like-wise absorb negativity.." ~ Shah WhartonOne of the worst afteraffects of abuse are the lies which survivors can end up believing about themselves. Unlearning such lies and then making positive beliefs a part of one's nature is often a big part of recovery. In her Archive Shah points out how important it is for survivors to relearn and never forget the respect and kindness every human being is entitled to.Wharton furthermore points out another important component of this relearning process: Building a network of mutually supportive and positive people. Afterall, it is incredibly difficult to find peace when surrounded by misery!Surround yourself with positive affirmations, creativity, and supportive people.This process can be slow and takes time. Therefor be sure to grant yourself grace in these tasks.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Why PurpleHearts4Butterflies Blog is here
The Joyful Heart Foundation is a helpful Resources to survivors
- One in three women report being physically or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives.
1 (800) 799-7233 / www.ndvh.org
1 (800) 656-4673 / www.rainn.org