Purple♡Hearts 4 Butterflies

This is to be a SAFE Place to Blog, Get Information, Read Stories & Articles, Listen to touching Music Videos, Pray and Share our Inner Discoveries; How we are Renewing our Lives Through God's GRACE AND HEALING Power!

One Day at a Time....One Moment at a Time....
Through Sharing, Praying....and God Perfect Timing....

Friday, February 19, 2021

 Hello Ladies,

Yes it’s been a long time! So much has been going on in my life as in everyone’s life. The this Covid19 appears out of nowhere, well I believe Wuhan China. And now these dark masks! Which I can’t wear , I nearly fainted 2 times at two different times at the grocery store. The people who worked there came to help me the second time. 

Well, I’ve made a lot of life changes, moved, then moved to another State! At first I felt like I was on a 6 most vacation living on the coast in the northwest! Then life kicked back in. But I truly thank my Lord GOD in Heaven for that much needed rest and PEACE. 

With so much talk on the independent Real News you can find like on Rumble, Telegram or Bitchute (used to be on YouTube but they started kicking them off) so now we so to these other sites. Oh and USA.life that’s a Christian twitter/Facebook type, so much reporting on thousands of children were being found under the Trump administration, (the Biden administration has put a stop to it evidently since they opened up the borders again and it’s said they are coming in at the rate of 3500 a day! So sex trafficking will increase not decrease as it was) finding them in hundreds and hundreds of underground tunnels nearly dead, partially eaten even, very sexually abused from aged just tiny little things used to torture to extract their blood, to 4 year olds up to 10/12 year olds. I’ve seen infrared type filming where it’s pitch black so it’s able to film in the darkness, and the darkness is so thick it feels heavy. Just a taste of what hell will be like.  And these poor children make me so upset, disgusted, I pray oh GOD get those horrible people who are literally insane ruled by satan and his cohorts! Then I’m hearing more and more women and minister wife’s, Praise GOD hallelujah, open up and share the stories aloud in front of church audiences or conferences and writing books.  It’s makes me so very happy for them.  In my shoes I cannot. 

So with this subject getting out more and more, and hopefully women are getting a good mentor and counselor a Christian one it possible, like GOD brought me. But I’m finding things now from my childhood that I completely forgot has all of a sudden rose up to my face. I’ve had a couple met downs which I haven’t had in ages! So I need to rework through more stuff here and there by giving it to God (after the breakdown- for the crying and crying is so exhausting that I feel like I worked out at the gym for bouillon) so people may look at them as a step back but it’s ok, a cleansing happens for me. I said to Jesus you cried so hard You sweated out blood! Well I sweated and was exhausted and my face was really red and puffed out so His crying was so extreme I can’t imagine how I could have cried any harder than I did!  The whole next day I was like a collapsed body! I did nothing but rested. But you know I felt delivered so to speak from that time in my life. The next day I was so much better. So I think GOD can use our meltdowns if we give them to Him. 

So having shared all this, I feel I’m not to keep up with this blog. Although, after writing this I feel good. So let’s keep it up as a safe place to go to have a writing moment.  Share what’s going on and what it’s triggering and how your feeling, basically what I did. Then have a moment with GOD seeing how He would like your situation to be instead , take a deep breath and say ok then LORD Jesus you take this. And I’ll take what you would rather see my life being instead. And move on. 

Maybe this will help. It’s not like people are coming on here for any other reason but for the reasons we all have in common so reading your moment might be just what they needed to read.  

So here we go- let’s give it a go!  GOD bless you all! And remember Jesus is coming up in the clouds for us soon. We are so close. The signs are all around us!



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