It's been a very long while since I've been on here. My life went upside down for awhile. Full time caregiver for awhile, and then got so sick it landed me in the hospital in ICU wear I nearing passed on....
It was horrible. That was just 4 months ago. I lost so much weight and muscle. I'm now starting to feel better and wearing makeup again. I just started back to the gym and boy! I am weak! It's exhausting too! I love it but then it wears me out for a few days.
I hope to start writing my book/story soon. I'm nervous to do it but I know now that God wants me to. I just don't want to hurt anyone since I'm in fairly good terms with most my past people. Any suggestions?
I hope to start getting back going on this blog again. I like being active and involved in getting the word out to help people become aware and strong to see the abuse and turn to God constantly for comfort. If not for Him, I'd be dead! Really!!

PURPLE♡HEARTS 4 BUTTERFLIES✞ We are a Women's Faith-Based, on-Line Support Group for Women Survivors of Domestic, Sexual and Child Abuses-For ALL women of faith- Together, we form a Beautiful Mosaic of various colors, Like the Butterfly- and together with God's strength in our weaknesses, we can and WILL- Fly Freely! Fly Free with God, Free to be who you really are... Free like the Beautiful Mosaic Butterfly!
Purple♡Hearts 4 Butterflies
One Day at a Time....One Moment at a Time....
Through Sharing, Praying....and God Perfect Timing....
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