THIS IS WHAT'S TRENDING ALL OVER TWITTER!musicforeverr94 Falyn.Watching 9/11 documentaries on tv. Hearing so many stories of heroes.#GodBlessAmericaItsTheSituation Michael SorrentinoPlease also take this time to tell your family & friends that you love them!#GodBlessAmerica#ProudToBeAnAmericaniLoveJacobPerez #ELMBSTCAPTAIN9#GodBlessAmerica And All The People That Lost Their Lives On This Day ; 10 Years Ago ♥missnatalienunn natalie nunn#Godblessamerica Sept 11th is a day that I pray for all the families that lost a loved one durning the horrible disaster! xoxolaura_b_87 Laura Leigh BGrief may sometimes be the price we pay for love but I believe that love will one day conquer Girl Belieber ♥#GodBlessAmerica I'm not American, but what happened 10 years ago was awful. Everyone should be remembered<3BlackBoiPachino Anthony Morrow#GodblessAmerica S/O to the New York Fire Department and all victims and famillies affected by 9/11/01FoxNews Fox NewsA moment of silence will be held at New York City's Ground Zero to mark the first plane striking the World Trade Center.#GodBlessAmericaDonnaDRose DonnaD'RoseEVERYONE PLEASE HONOR#USA #9/11 FAMILIES TODAY BY SHOWING SOME KIND OF HELP KINDNESS LOVE TO SOMEONE NEEDING IT TODAY#GODBLESSAMERICAbrockvkelly Brock KellyFlying today and it's very surreal. I honor those that fought and continue to fight for our safety and freedom.#AlwaysRememberDonnaDRose DonnaD'RoseUSA- PLEASE KNOW THERE ARE PEOPLE LIVING AMONG US WHO HATE US AND PLOTTING AGAINST US#GODBLESSAMERICA !! WE NEED GOD BACK W/US#PRAYUSA !DonnaDRose DonnaD'RoseEVERYONE WATCH@lifetimetv REMEMBERING 9/11: Lifetime Showing real 102 MINUTES THAT CHANGED AMERICA commercial-free 8:46am ET/PT#PRAYUSAlifetimetv lifetimetvREMEMBERING 9/11: Lifetime will simulcast Emmy® Award-winning 102 MINUTES THAT CHANGED AMERICA commercial-free at 8:46am ET/PTMusic4No1 Music4No1.commorning new/old friends#godblessamerica let's have a moment of silence for the fallen #911Franchescaaaaa Franchesca Romero#godblessamerica and all those who lost their lives ten year ago =/meeewrahalfian mirah.RT@KennyHamilton: I will never forget the day that changed my life.#GodBlessAmerica Su PreetTen years since 9/11/2001.. I still remember sitting in class when I heard the news.#godblessamericafanaticfan15 Annie AlexanderJust watched one of the 9/11 documentaries and almost started to bawl.#GodBlessAmerica and everyone who lost loved ones that dayRjbaldau Robert BaldauRemembering all those that were affected by 9/11..can't even imagine!#godblessamericaWeLoveSkitzz WeLoveSkitzzR.I.P to everyone who lost their lives on this day ten years ago. You are missed.#godblessamerica. <3Chriissyyx3 Christina™i dont know anyone who lost their lives, and no one i know has lost someone, but if you have, you're in my prayers#godblessamericaJessJLS_Bieber Jessica♥JLS'JBieberthinking of those who lost lives, and families in pain from 9/11 attack<3#godblessamericakambriadianne14 Kamryn McCarthyEven though I don't remember it happening. Still, my prayers go out to everyone who has been effected by this. 9/11#godblessamericajhughe Jessica Hughes"Sometimes you got to listen to the silence and give yourself a little time to think" Never forget.#GodBlessAmericaChristinaEpp Christina Nicole EppThinking and praying for the victims and heroes of 9/11 and all those who were effected or lost loved ones. Never forget.#GodBlessAmericawearebiology Roni MercadoIt has been ten years, but I still can't believe, nor understand, why it happened.#RememberAlways#GodBlessAmericaBossLady_Lathem Sequoia LathemWhen I look back today I see what a great country America really is , nothing can shake us we'll always bounce back .#GodBlessAmerica bribracken bribrackenproud to be a NYC resident on this historical day. we will never forget those who lost their lives 10 years ago today.#godblessamericaMikeTHolden Mike HoldenI had to turn off the TV. The 911 ten year remembrance is bringing tears to my eyes.#GodBlessAmericanellykristhel Kristhel ❀ #CourageRIP to all the innocent people that died on 9/11 and my thoughts and my prayers are with everyone that suffered!#GodBlessAmericaiBieberMaynard Skyscraper. ♥Remember seeing the world trade centers ALL the time when i was younger. ♥#GodBlessAmericaThank Youalil555 ali lifton10 years feels like a long time, september 11th feels like yesterday. never forget#godblessamericaJoy & Blessings to you~DonnaBreathe......reflect......respond...Everything happens for a somehow in the end all works out~

PURPLE♡HEARTS 4 BUTTERFLIES✞ We are a Women's Faith-Based, on-Line Support Group for Women Survivors of Domestic, Sexual and Child Abuses-For ALL women of faith- Together, we form a Beautiful Mosaic of various colors, Like the Butterfly- and together with God's strength in our weaknesses, we can and WILL- Fly Freely! Fly Free with God, Free to be who you really are... Free like the Beautiful Mosaic Butterfly!
Purple♡Hearts 4 Butterflies
One Day at a Time....One Moment at a Time....
Through Sharing, Praying....and God Perfect Timing....
Sunday, September 11, 2011
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